About the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) engages and collaborates with students, faculty, and professional staff to foster inclusivity and embrace equity and diversity across UNE’s campuses, in its curriculum, through professional development, and in its recruitment and retention practices.
The office provides leadership and coordination around diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, working to eliminate barriers to success for all members of our community — especially for historically underrepresented individuals — and ensuring that diversity, equity, and inclusion are considered in every institutional decision.
UNE’s work on DEI issues extends beyond the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is the result of collaboration among members of a wide array of constituencies across the University, including institutional offices and various university committees.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Library Resource Initiative
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Library Resource Initiative (DEILRI) is a crowdsourced community resource that provides the UNE community with resources that inform and inspire action to support inclusive campuses and extended learning sites. We believe in our collective responsibility to study and celebrate the diverse backgrounds and experiences of UNE students, faculty, and professional staff in order to foster a sense of belonging for all members of our community.
As part of this initiative, the UNE Library offers a resource on viewpoint diversity based on UNE's core value of relentless inquiry. This tool empowers students to navigate the complexities of personal bias and media bias in the discussion of polarizing issues and to consider a variety of viewpoints and perspectives on any issue.
The UNE Community is welcome to suggest additional resources for inclusion. Suggestions will be reviewed by the DEILRI team.
UNE Offices in Support of DEI Efforts
The Office of Intercultural Student Engagement
Shannon Zlotkowski
Assistant Provost, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
(207) 602-2525
Title IX Office
Angela Shambarger
Title IX Coordinator
(207) 221-4554
Division of Student Support
Hahna Patterson, M.A., LCPC
Assistant Provost, Division of Student Support
(207) 221-4418
Committees Devoted to DEI
University Committee on Community, Equity, and Diversity
- Shannon Zlotkowski, Chair
University Faculty Assembly Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Mary Aube, Chair
College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Assembly Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
- Greg LaBonte, Chair
College of Dental Medicine Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
- Eileen Dunfey,Chair
College of Graduate and Professional Studies Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Committee
- Amy Wright, Chair
Westbrook College of Health Professions Excellence in Diversity, Inter-Culturalism, and Difference Committee
- Jamie Bullock, Chair
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Library Resource Initiative
- Sonya M. Durney, Co-chair
- Cathleen Miller, Co-chair
Athletics Community, Equity, and Diversity Committee
- Michael Lichten, Co-chair
- Ashley Potvin-Fulford, Co-chair